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Friday, September 20, 2013

We can change the world!....Right?

When I was younger I was lit with a fire, A fire to change the world for Christ.
When I was younger I wanted to tell everyone on this planet about what he had done for me.
I could picture myself standing in front of crowds of people preaching, or starting a huge ministry that would reach thousands. I told the lord that this is what I wanted.
then I waited.
I was waiting for my ministry to start, For the time to come when Christ would use me in big ways.

And every day that I waited I passed by the people around me without even smiling at them.
I mean after all I didn't have time for them right? I had a world to change. I had a nation to bring back to Christ. And all the while those same people were passing me by every day.

Is it wrong to want to change the world? No. But the reality is that the worlds not going to change.
its a lie that the church can bring the world back to God, This world is a sinful nasty place and we haven't changed it, we are not changing it, and we will not change it.

We can change people. Or rather we cant change them but we can introduce them to the man who can.
Instead of looking to change the world we can look to change those living in the world around us.
And when you change someone they go on to change someone else and then someone else.
Pretty soon with the small change that you have made, a big change is being made in a family, in a community, in a state, in a nation.
All big changes start with little changes.

When people raise the cry of changing the world I just smile. Christ is the only one who can change the world. And he WILL change the world when he brings his new kingdom down from the heavens above to the heavens here and rules with his bride over the nations. But until then, our job is to make as man people possible a part of that bride.
So don't seek to change a sinful world that God is going to destroy. Seek to change people so they will not be destroyed with the world.

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