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Sunday, September 17, 2017

Acts 1

I am currently going through the book of Acts with my small group at church. This would be the second time I have gone through Acts with a group, but as with most books of scripture, they seem to take on a different theme or flavor each time you go through them. That's why it' s so important to continue reading through scripture.
Since it's the Spirit that interprets scripture to us, its not unreasonable to suppose that the scripture reveals different parts at different times,(but that's beside the point.)
This time going through Acts with a group of close knit fellow believers has been one of the  most rewarding experiences I have had with a church group in a long time.

As we went through chapter one here were some questions that we asked eachother, some food for thought we served up and some compelling arguments and points that some made. Some of these are no brainers, most are not that profound. But for me, many of these things were small points that I had never really stopped to consider or ponder.

1 Jesus didn't want his disciples to leave Jerusalem until they had received the Holy Spirit, and therefore not begin preaching the gospel until they had received the Spirit. This is both encouraging and humbling. First because it shows the futility of trying to preach the Gospel without the power of the Holy  Spirit. and it shows that we have an indwelling strength we can rely on in witnessing and ministering. Verse eight say the disciples would receive POWER! Bam! Holy power! to go and be witnesses in Jerusalem, Samaria and all the world,
(Note that the phrase"Bam!Holy Power!" is not in the bible)

2. Small piece of food for thought that I won't go into details about or give my opinion on.In verse 6 and 7, The disciples ask if Christ is going to restore the Kingdom to Israel at this time. Common thought is that Christ  was never actually offering a physical kingdom to the Jews, That it was always a spiritual kingdom and the disciples and Jews just didn't get it. My question is, even after all they had seen  and Christ rising from the dead and spending 40 days with them speaking things of the Kingdom of God, were they still so dense and caught up in tradition that they just didn't understand any of it? While that seems unlikely, even if it were the case, Christ  doesn't respond  by telling them they still don't understand. He simply says its not for them to  know the times or seasons God has put in his own power. What does he mean? You figure it out. (Email me if you want to discuss it.)

3. The casting of lots has always fascinated and slightly amused me in the first chapter. The thing that sticks out to me is the fact that they never cast lots again in the book of Acts. That may not be significant other than the fact that after they received the Holy Spirit, they had no need for lots to determine Gods will. They had the indwelling spirit to guide them. Throughout the rest of Acts we see numerous times when the apostles were pressed by the spirit towards a certain path or action. Obviously before the gift of the spirit, they relied on casting lots for Gods decisions.  The other things that comes to mind when I read this section is the story of Jonah and the sailors casting lots to determine who to cast off the boat, and also the story of Gideon putting out his fleece. I have heard people contemplate determining God's will for themselves through some type of "putting out the fleece".

I think it's important to realize that everything changed when God sent his Holy Spirit. His children no longer had to cast lots or put out fleece to know what god wanted. The Spirit moving a leading was the only indication they needed.

So, if you're looking for an application to take away from the first chapter of Acts. I would say the emphasis is on the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives to help with witnessing and for guidance in all areas. Something to ask yourself or others in your group or church is how to become more sensitive to the guidance of the Holy Spirit and to learn how the spirit presses us and strengthens us.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Two friends

I was trapped in sin and darkness, 
I felt all hope was lost, 
Till two friends came beside me, 
And led me to the cross,

Him on the right, her on the left,
They pointed to the blood, 
And told me of a grace,
That was a never ending flood,

They introduced me to the man,
Who paid for all my sins,
Who banished all my darkness,
And made me feel again,

These two dear friends stayed with me,
As I grew to understand,
The meaning of my life here,
They are both my biggest fans,

They always love and guide me,
And point me towards the truth,
I would not know my savior,
Mom and Dad,
If not for you,

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

A world without God

I love sci-fi. Star Trek, Star Wars, Doctor Who, Superhero movies. All of them are fun and thrilling. Endless story lines and mind bending concepts are introduced through sci-fi movies.

But there's something else that always hits me after watching one of these movies or reading a book. Like any fiction the story is set in a world that the author has created, a world where they make the rules. Unfortunately, many authors and movie writers are not christians, so the world they create is a world without God.
Star Trek visits the idea of a reality that is beyond what we understand, a spiritual like reality. But it is discussed in a more evolutionary mindset.
 Doctor Who has ventured into religious grounds several times with episodes wherein the villain is the God of a certain culture or race of people, or even the devil himself locked underground for centuries. In the end, the Doctor always makes these ideas seem small and meaningless as he (sometimes easily) defeats the entity that some thought all powerful.

Now I'm not saying that all shows need to be about God (although it would be nice) and I'm not saying that shows that are not christian based shows are always evil.

But the last few times I have finished watching a superhero flick or a dazzling space thriller, I am left at the end feeling depressed. I have submerged myself into this world being put before me and found it to be a world without God. From then on it consumes my thoughts leaves me thinking about whats beyond the story portrayed, about how the characters view life. Jean Luc Picard of Star Trek Next Generation often philosophizes about the existence of man and the need of man to explore and better himself. But what's after that, Jean Luc? In your world however dazzling and appealing now, it holds nothing after. No promise of rest or peace. Just nothing.

Ironically enough, it's the life I live thats to be envied. Because though, at this moment, crawling under houses to fix leaking water pipes may be less glamorous than exploring the far reaches of the galaxy, I know the man who created that galaxy. And I have his promise that I will one day fly through that galaxy by his side. And not just for a life time. But forever....
As exciting as Sci-Fi life is, it cannot compare to the life I now hold.

This all seems strange because I am arguing the meaning of life with a Sci-Fi Character.
But how much of our culture is consumed with Sci-Fi and fiction? How much are we enamored with the adventure and drama and how much of our thoughts do we give to dreaming about being involved in such drama? Sometimes it may be to a point where we are addicted to watching other people act out this drama. How often do we forget that we will have the greatest adventure of all times in a world that is to come. And how often do we forget all the meaning in this life when the Sci-Fi life that we look to with envy really holds.... Nothing.

Friday, September 20, 2013

We can change the world!....Right?

When I was younger I was lit with a fire, A fire to change the world for Christ.
When I was younger I wanted to tell everyone on this planet about what he had done for me.
I could picture myself standing in front of crowds of people preaching, or starting a huge ministry that would reach thousands. I told the lord that this is what I wanted.
then I waited.
I was waiting for my ministry to start, For the time to come when Christ would use me in big ways.

And every day that I waited I passed by the people around me without even smiling at them.
I mean after all I didn't have time for them right? I had a world to change. I had a nation to bring back to Christ. And all the while those same people were passing me by every day.

Is it wrong to want to change the world? No. But the reality is that the worlds not going to change.
its a lie that the church can bring the world back to God, This world is a sinful nasty place and we haven't changed it, we are not changing it, and we will not change it.

We can change people. Or rather we cant change them but we can introduce them to the man who can.
Instead of looking to change the world we can look to change those living in the world around us.
And when you change someone they go on to change someone else and then someone else.
Pretty soon with the small change that you have made, a big change is being made in a family, in a community, in a state, in a nation.
All big changes start with little changes.

When people raise the cry of changing the world I just smile. Christ is the only one who can change the world. And he WILL change the world when he brings his new kingdom down from the heavens above to the heavens here and rules with his bride over the nations. But until then, our job is to make as man people possible a part of that bride.
So don't seek to change a sinful world that God is going to destroy. Seek to change people so they will not be destroyed with the world.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

In a better place - Part two

     It was like stepping outside, but when he turned around he only saw more outdoors. Yet, James still had the distinct feeling that he had just stepped through a door into this place. He did not know where this place was, but that did not frighten him. If anything, the feeling he got from looking at the grass covered slopes around him gave him a feeling of....happiness. Intense happiness. More amazing was the fact that James did not feel pain any more. In all his short life he could not remember one time that the pain did not rack his small body. And now...nothing.
     "Hello James, remember me?" Turning, James saw Donny walking towards him... looking taller, broader than James remembered him being.
     "How did you get here?" James asked in a small voice.
     "I live here!" Donny said in a loud voice; then quieter, "and now you do to."
     "Is mommy coming here?"
     "Yes," said Donny. "You have to be patient, but right now I want you to see someone." As he spoke, Donny slowly outstretched his hand to point behind James. Slowly turning, James saw the feet first, feet with holes in them! The small boy had the feeling that there was something strange, yet wonderful about those feet with holes in them. As his eyes moved upward he saw the hands; holes in them as well. Then James looked up into the face, the face that was smiling back at him. It was a face so incredibly kind and so incredibly familiar that James immediately started running towards the man. The man bent down with open arms as James ran headlong into them, sending both boy and man flying backwards onto the grass, each one laughing loudly. The man pulled James close to his chest and whispered, "Welcome home James, I have waited a long time for you."
     Smiling, James looked up and again and asked, "Will mommy and the rest of my family be coming?"
     "Soon James,soon." the man replied. "But first come with me," he said, standing up and taking the boys small hand in his. "I have so much to show you."

Sunday, June 9, 2013

In a Better Place-Part one

She was losing him....That was the only thought running through Cindy's mind. After a year and a half of fighting the sickness, she was losing him. The hospital was empty on a Wednesday evening. Though the town had a small college, it was still very quiet during the summer months. Cindy turned as the door flew open and Donny rushed in. Cindy was glad to see the frumpy looking college kid, with his long hair and baggy clothes.
Looking at Donny, Cindy realized that she really didn't know where Donny was from. Or for that matter why he had stayed in town over the summer.
She only knew that this young man had brought much comfort to her in the last three months. Comfort because he had brought joy to James at the end of the small boys short life.
She began weeping again at the though of her six year old son lying on the operating table.
The Doctors had told her it was just a matter of time. As she wept she she felt Donny's hand on her shoulder. In a quiet voice he said, "He's in a much better place now Cindy. He cant feel the pain any more". 
"Strange" Cindy thought, "that such a young person could somehow comfort her so much with just a touch".
She looked up into his face only to find herself staring at the blank wall opposite her. Looking around Cindy found she was alone in the waiting room.
The door from the next room opened right at that moment and Doctor Johnson stepped in. "I'm sorry Cindy," he said. "As we thought, it had progressed to far" The Doctor stepped across the room and took Cindy's hand. "I did all I could".
" I know...He's in a better place now".

Monday, May 21, 2012


I love to study theology. It's the best feeling in the world to pick out a topic to study and examine it from all different angles until you feel like you have a grasp on the different opinions and feel that you can form your own opinion on that topic. Then you can take that opinion and share and discuss it with others of the same or of different opinions.

A few months ago I started feeling like I was focused too much on theology. I felt like the reason I was studying was simply to be able to sound smart in discussions with other Christians.
I decided to stop focusing on theology so much and start focusing on prayer and simple reading.
That hasn't been working out to well.
Not studying deep into topics left me feeling like I didn't really want to read at all. I felt like the word wasn't getting to me because I was basically just skimming the surface.  Now any bible reading is good. But for me personally I feel that I don't get as much out of it unless I study into a certain topic deeply.

My prayer suffered as well. It's hard to talk to a person that you don't spend time with every day. And it's hard to spend time with someone when your not taking the time to learn more about them. I wasn't learning anything new about Christ and my relationship with him and what I did know became fuzzy. It's hard to want to spend much time in prayer when things become fuzzy.

So...My conclusion is that (for me personally anyways) my relationship with Christ thrives when I am interested in studying his word. I just have to ask Jesus to keep my pride in check when I start feeling like I'm pretty smart.